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 South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad

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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 9:34 pm


LOS ANGELES - A radical Muslim group has warned the creators of "South Park" that they could face violent retribution for depicting the prophet Muhammad in a bear suit during last week's episode.

The website has since been taken down, but a cached version shows the message to "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The article's author, Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee, said the men "outright insulted" the religious leader.

The posting showed a gruesome picture of Theo Van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker who was shot and stabbed to death in an Amsterdam street in 2004 by a fanatic angered by his film about Muslim women. The film was written by a Muslim woman who rejected the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for today's morality.

"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show," Al-Amrikee wrote. "This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them."

The posting listed the addresses of Comedy Central's New York office and Parker and Stone's California production office. It also linked to a Huffington Post article that described a Colorado retreat owned by the two men.

CNN, which first reported the posting, said the New York-based website is known for postings in support of jihad, or holy war, against the West and Osama bin Laden.

Poster says group admires Osama bin Laden
Al-Amrikee told The Associated Press that the posting was made to raise awareness of the issue and to see that it does not happen again. Asked if Parker and Stone should feel threatened by it, he said "they should feel threatened by what they did."

He said he was disappointed that publicity about the posting focused more on the potential danger to the producers but admitted, "I could shoulder some blame" for it.

He said he "can't answer that legally" when asked if his group favored jihad. But he praised bin Laden.

"We look up to him and admire him for the sacrifices he has given for the religion," he said.

Last week's episode, the 200th for the cheeky and often vulgar cartoon, was intended to feature many of the personalities and groups that Parker and Stone insulted during the series' run.

In 2006, Comedy Central banned the men from showing an image of Muhammad on their show. They had intended to comment on the controversy created by a Danish newspaper's publishing of caricatures of the Islamic leader. Muslims consider any physical representation of their prophet to be blasphemous.

Instead, "South Park" showed an image of Jesus Christ defecating on President Bush and the American flag.

Comedy Central and the show's producers would not comment.

Somehow, I think this will actually amuse the creators enough to make more episodes.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 12:23 am

Judging from past episodes, I suspect Matt and Tray to say in not so many words...."Bring it on, B*tches!"
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endless dark
endless dark

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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Egbrlw
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 11:59 am

theres stuff that I could say about certain things that are meantioned, but no... there really isn't anything to say really (I'd put a smilie here but they all look really conspicuous after saying that)

Sooo, looks like it was santa in the bear suit after all, and they bleeped the name too. Wonder if that was all a part of the plan or if comedy central had it bleeped wtf

never mind, it was comedy central did the bleeps


Quote :
Posted on: 04.22.10

A Statement from Matt and Trey
In the 14 years we've been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn't some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it.

Last edited by endless dark on Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gemini Tiger
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Kalbg0
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 4:19 pm

Im not one for trying to speak my mind so here goes...

As a fellow Muslim im not happy that South Park would base the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as a teddy bear, to me this is disrespectful. I know they are a VERY controversial TV show but a line has to be drawn somewhere.

Some Muslim extremists take the Qur'an out of proportion and make us (Muslims) look bad in the public eye -- Something which needs to be avoided.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 12:25 am

The point was not to be disrespectful of Muhammad but to show that they can not show any depiction of him. The story (in the episode) is that the gingers wanted to have Muhammad, but since Muhammad could not be seen, the only way they could present him to the gingers is to put him in a full bodied costume.

I suggest watching the full and unedited Super Best Friends episode on South Park Studios, and you will see that Muhammad is actually shown favorably (he is dressed in Arab garb and his power is being able to shoot flames from his hands [like Pyro from X-Men]--Joseph Smith's power was freeze breath). If anything, the only "god" that wasn't presented so favorably was Buddha as a crack addict. In other words, Muhammad is a very, very good guy.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 12:27 am

Vampira132 wrote:
Some Muslim extremists take the Qur'an out of proportion and make us (Muslims) look bad in the public eye -- Something which needs to be avoided.

It's really no different than the Christian extremists like Westborough Baptist Church and Army of God and how they make regular Christians look.
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Virgo Pig
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad 2j4964z
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 3:44 am

Vampira- I flinched when Muhammed was presented in a bear costume too. Though it was a funny episode. I'm very ambivalent on this subject.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 2:20 am

Really, if they want to offended by South Park, they should focus on who they portray the radical Muslims--which makes them look moronic.
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Scorpio Rooster
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad 6tpz4k
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 10:15 am

Personally I think the episode was brilliant and funny, plus it really brought together themes and characters from multiple seasons to celebrate their 200th and 201st episode. But pertaining to the whole Muslim angst and outrage; I think Parker and Stone proved one of their underlying points beautifully. They depicted Jesus and other Christian/Catholic figures being killed, sh*tting on people, cursing; and nothing happened. They insulted Jews left and right, had Buhda doing cocaine....cocaine!! But, they have a stickfigure drawing of what The Prophet Muhammad might look like, and they suggested that he might be in a bear costume; then we have outrage!!!!.

A bunch or infantile Muslims with their delicate feelings getting hurt means we have death threats now, did any Buddhists threaten Comedy Central with death for their deity being depicted as a coke-head? Nope, well that figures. But a Teddy Bear cartoon, that is reason for a jihad.

It's totally pathetic and insane how the bleeding heart whining of a religious group can so smoothly blend with the mindless violence and superiority inherent in all religion. It's cool to make fun of anyone and anything...except the Muslim Prophet and Faith, because than that's intolerance.... oh and some of the people who feel hurt find murdering artists for their creativity justified. It seems to me a lot of Muslims need to get the f*ck over themselves and stop thinking they're special, because there's no religion, race, creed, preference or ideology which is above humor or sarcasm.

So your religion got poked fun of slightly, get over it, stop being babies and suck it up. We've walked on the moon and split the atom, but we still have people who want to hang out in the 14th century and call for mass-murder in the name of an invisible man who lives in the sky when something upsets them. South Park totally proved their point by watching a bunch of morons completely over-react to their cartoon, and Comedy Central totally dropped the ball by censoring the show.

We as a planetary community need to stop walking around on eggshells, due to the fact that so many are afraid of upsetting the infantile and delicate feeling of Muslims, and dealing with the disgusting violence which they respond with. Unfortunately the last time the Prophet was depicted in a European cartoon a bunch of nuns were raped and murdered on the other side of the continent as a response, and before that Theo Van Gogh was killed for actually having balls. Censoring artists and their creativity is rewarding Muslim "extremists" for their bad behavior, and letting them know that it's acceptable on some level for them to act the way they do. Well it's not, it's wrong. Anyone who thinks it's ok to kill someone because they poked fun or insulted a religion is disgusting, and anyone who sympathizes with them is a scumbag.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 8:18 pm

^^Agreed. If there was at least one thing I learned when I was Christian was that people are going to make fun of you now matter what, so you are just better off smiling and walking away because getting defensive will just make you look even worse. Jon Stewart weighs in.
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Scorpio Rooster
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad 6tpz4k
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 8:22 am

Ginger_Snaps wrote:
^^Agreed. If there was at least one thing I learned when I was Christian was that people are going to make fun of you now matter what, so you are just better off smiling and walking away because getting defensive will just make you look even worse. Jon Stewart weighs in.

I was looking for that Daily Show clip for my own post.

"Go _____ Yourself"

I watched that live and had a damn good laugh.

Ginger_Snaps wrote:
Vampira132 wrote:
Some Muslim extremists take the Qur'an out of proportion and make us (Muslims) look bad in the public eye -- Something which needs to be avoided.

It's really no different than the Christian extremists like Westborough Baptist Church and Army of God and how they make regular Christians look.

I'm going to disagree partly here though, because as disgusting as the Westborough Baptist Church is, I've not heard about them cutting anyone's head off or beating anyone to death in the middle of the streets. The God Hates Fags people are repulsive, but mostly just an annoying group of hate filled people dancing that thin line of Freedom Of Speech. The Army Of God however is similar to Muslim extremists, because they've killed people like abortion clinic doctors and nurses as well as bombing buildings. You know..... for God.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 8:16 pm

That's why I included Army of God. The WBC is all hate rhetoric but have yet to jump to actual physical harm.
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Leo Cat
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: : South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Bjevig
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South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 9:02 pm

Just saw this on the new episodes of the The Simpson's: "South Park--We'd stand beside you if we weren't so scared."
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PostSubject: Re: South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad   South Park creators threatened with death and/or Jihad I_icon_minitime

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